Welcome to Beccabrand 2.0
I know it’s been awhile and you might be asking, “where did she go?!?! Has she abandoned Beccabrand???” It’s been a combination of things, but mostly because I was unhappy with the look and feel of my blog. I decided to move my blog from wordpress.com over to wordpress.org for a little more freedom. When I started my blog last year, I struggled when it came to wordpress.com or wordpress.org. I’m considering doing a wordpress.com vs. wordpress.org blog post. Let me know in the comments if you guys would be interested something along those lines.
What You’ll be Seeing from Beccabrand
You may have noticed I revamped my menu to include Fashion, Beauty, Living, Wellness, and Career. These are the main topics for the content I will be posting about. Under each of the main headings will be subcategories where you can find everything under the sun. Ok… not exactly, but you get the idea right? I think organizing my headings will help you guys find the content you want to see quickly and easily.
As mentioned before, I changed my headings to reflect the content that will be posted. I want to post content that will leave you more knowledgeable, whether that’s how to create a budget after college or how to land your dream job or the hottest new shoe trends. I hope you can find it here.
On the other hand, I want to also keep creating personal content. I got a lot of positive feedback from my blogmas posts that you guys enjoyed hearing about my day-to-day life. I love writing those posts and I love coming back to read them for the memories. You’ll be able to all of the laid back/ day-to-day posts in “Becca’s Life Updates“.
Follow me on social media! I really want to get to know you guys and hear about your stories and read your posts. Make sure you leave your handles so I can follow you back.
I hope you guys enjoy! There is still more to be done, but I hope you stick with me. Let me know what you think of the new layout/feel of the site. Do you love it, do you hate it? I wanna know. Leave your thoughts in the comments 🙂